Below is the lab
schedule for 74:273 Optics for Term 1, 2024-2025 year. The calendar
images also contain the 74:275 schedule.
Labs begin at 1:40pm on Tuesdays in BB2-34 or BB235 on the second floor of the Brodie Building.
Watch your email for instructions pertaining to the lab manual, instructions in pdf form may be distributed by email and/or posted here for download.
Labs begin at 1:40pm on Tuesdays in BB2-34 or BB235 on the second floor of the Brodie Building.
Watch your email for instructions pertaining to the lab manual, instructions in pdf form may be distributed by email and/or posted here for download.
f you wish to use xmbrace/grace for
graphing on your laptop, please work on getting Virtualbax installed
on your computer by downloading it from
- Tuesday, 17 September 2024: Tutorial for Optics graphing for lab reports: This file will be updated for 2024. Here is the older one : graphing_with_grace-2020.pdf
- Here is a grace quick reference to making a graph: grace_quick-ref.pdf
- Dr. Foster's combination of Errors Quick Reference pdf: Errors_QuickReference_273.pdf
- This pdf has some backgound on the propagation of uncertainties and errors: propagation_of_errors-2019.pdf
- Details on using remote control on zoom. This allows are remote user to control s/w etc on another remote machine: zoom_remote_control.pdf
- Reflection, Refraction, Plane Mirror:
- Thin Lenses: Concave, Convex, Lens Equation: lenses_cv_cx_lensmakers.pdf
- Thick Lens, General Lens Equation: general_lens_equation.pdf
- Dispersion, Total Internal Reflection: dispersion_TIR.pdf
- Virtual Images, Telescope, Microscope: virtual_tele_micro.pdf
- Single and Double Slit Diffraction:2020_sgl_dbl_slit_diffraction.pdf
- 2020 data for single and double slit diffraction: sgl_dbl_data
- Prism Spectrometer: prism_spectrometer_glx.pdf
- Data for Hg, Na, and angle translation for prism spectrometer: prism_spect_data
- Full (too much!) Grating Spectrometer Instructions: grating_spectrometer_pasco.pdf
- possible 2020 Grating Spectrometer Instructions for data plots (this is at the end of the above pdf): grating_spectrometer_2019.pdf
- Data for Hg, Na spectra using the grating spectrometer: grating_spect_data
- 1/r2 and Malus' Law: 1_over_r_squared_malus.pdf
- Data for 1/r2 and Malus' Law: 1_over_r_squared_Malus_data